AppleGeorge (comments)

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 comments

i'm just wondering, where did you get the font for the Bayside layout you made?

Posted by catus on Jun 8, 08 6:55 pm · History

lol I saw your comment to Katie... FYI I have 2 jobs right now straight As and practice swimming 3 hours a day :)

Posted by IVIike on Dec 17, 07 7:05 pm · History

lmao your layouts do suck ass thats why no one uses them. If your 19 you should be able to make a decent layout I mean look at Mike he is 16 and he has the most popular layouts here

Posted by xKatie on Dec 13, 07 4:09 pm · History

thanks for the comment. Just a few things though 1. you might not want to make enemys with design staff, and 2. you don't have much room to talk seeing as your layout is horrible. But I have taken your comment into concideration and I'll try to "come to your standards"

Posted by IVIike on Dec 5, 07 7:19 pm · History

hey. That guy IVIke is a douche, I saw his comments on your thing. He just wants attention. He's done that to mine too. Seriously, I don't know why people do that. :/ What happened to being nice?

Posted by MarinaGrafix on Nov 30, 07 12:16 am · History

my opinion was that it was basic... you agree why are we still talking about it?

Posted by IVIike on Nov 29, 07 9:45 pm · History

I'm entitled to my opinion if you don't like it gtfo btw I'm on Design Staff you probably don't want to get on my bad side :)

Posted by IVIike on Nov 29, 07 5:52 pm · History

LOL maybe I goin ask someone for one for Christmas or something. =P

Posted by NICKAWHAT on Nov 22, 07 12:14 pm · History


Posted by NICKAWHAT on Nov 6, 07 12:44 am · History

I didnt steal anybodys idea either. There are layouts for GH1 and GH2 but there wasnt for GH3... thats why I made one for GH3.

Posted by NICKAWHAT on Nov 5, 07 11:30 pm · History

Well yes...'cause I don't have those 'professional' image editors like Photoshop. I can't afford to get one, so my layout is not 100% perfect.

Posted by crafty-designs on Nov 5, 07 10:15 pm · History

oh, i'm not going to use it for myself. i was just commenting saying that's the complaint people who don't have the same resolution as us will say

Posted by brooklyneast05 on Nov 5, 07 8:03 pm · History

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